Dental Health Info in Chicago
At Contos Smile Center, our team is prepared to answer all questions pertaining to your dental health and appearance. Oral hygiene, specifically brushing and flossing, are a vital part of your dental health. We can also answer your questions about the different dental specialties and explain the meaning of dental terms.
Clicking on the link below labeled “Patient Education” will provide you with some article and videos pertaining to dental health that the American Dental Association has made available.
Patient Education Topics
Select from the topics below for more information about dental health:
Our Vision
We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and quality to our patient community by cultivating strong relationships, communicating thoughtful treatment solutions, and providing an enjoyable atmosphere, we can empower our patients to take ownership of their oral health.
We are committed to researching and offering state-of-the-art dental solutions in order to deliver the most advanced treatment options to our patients.